Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow in TN!!

The official snow fall is 3 inches!! The kids are having a ball playing in the snow, they have a snow fort and having a snowball fight.

Typical Anna, she spent 1/2 hour outside and is back inside in her pajamas and enjoying taunting the others outside.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prayer for Today

God be in my head
and in my understanding.
God be in my eyes
and in my looking.
God be in my mouth
and in my speaking.
God be in my heart
and in my thinking.
God be at my end
and at my departing.
(from the Sarum Book of Hours, 1514)

The new total is....

Over 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies sold!!


If you're wondering what the heck that is, it's what Marian fondly refers to as a "sucky fish". We like it because it will eat the algae in the tank. A vacuum cleaner fish.

Loved the Charismatic mass on Sunday, nice to be surrounded by that again. Ours were the only kids there. It was a small crowd, maybe only 25 people at the most? They offered healing prayer in prayer teams at the end, which was very nice.

Anna is doing better in school, has raised her grades to 2 A's and 2 B's!!

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Math Meet

Gabriel went to a math meet in Alabama. Along the way, the team stopped in Huntsville AL to see the space museum there. He had a great time. The team came in 1st place and he was 3rd place overall for his grade level.

We found out about a Charismatic Mass tonight and we are heading there! Will be great to be there.

Raining all day, at least it's not leaking into our basement!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cookie Update

Marian wanted me to put down on the blog that she has sold 87 boxes of Girl Scout cookies so far.

Marian's Day at School

Marian had a special time at school and I (Karen) went in and shared with the class about Marian. I showed baby pictures and gave the kids freeze pops, in honor of it being so cold in NH on Marian's day of birth. None of these TN kids could comprehend -20 (F).

Happy Birthday Marian!!

LEGO Beach House

This was Marian's BIG present and she and Gabriel worked all afternoon to create this lovely LEGO beach house.

Happy Birthday Marian

Marian turns 7 today and we are celebrating all day. We woke her up early, which was her request, and then opened gifts. She is now busy playing with her new Lego set, creating a Beach House. We promise to add some pictures!!

Gabriel and I are planning a birthday cake in the shape of the number 7!!

As we celebrate Marian's birthday, we also remember a friend. Meg, a niece of our friend, died yesterday after battling brain cancer for 2 years. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this time of mourning and loss. Meg touched many lives and faced death with courage and strength.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Forgiveness and patience

At Bible study today, there was a quote about patience. Patience is having a wide and big soul. I reflected how very appropriate that was. 2 Peter 3:9 says “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” So, why is it so hard for me to be patient with others and to forgive them?

Lord, let me have the eyes and heart of Jesus, so that I may see beyond those who hurt me and forgive them.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Party




Dress up

Musical chairs

Scavenger hunt

7 year olds

Add all this up and it surely equals fun, just ask the birthday girl.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cookie Update

Marian has sold 56 boxes of cookies, I must say that Girl Scout cookies certainly sell themselves. Well, of course, who could resist my adorable daughter? Samoas (chocolate, caramel and coconut) are the winner so far!

Prayers for Haiti continue, as does the immense job of stabilizing this country and its people. Our "sister" parish is in Haiti and they reported at church today that they are doing well, and away from the epicenter. We continue to lift them in prayer and give as we can to the many charities that need our money.

As the rain falls here, I prayer for the Holy Spirit to reign down on the people of Haiti and for their families and friends to find safe shelter, adequate food and water, and all the medical attention they need.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hi Everybody

Hi everybody hope the winter isn't too white up in NH. We had one snow day but mainly it was a less than one inch dusting. We are learning about stars and space in science which is really fun. We also just learned about Indians (from India, not American Indians) and going to learn about China In Social Studies. Next week at our school is Spirit Week: Wed. is Mix Match day, Th. is Hat day, Fri. is Blue and Gold (School colors). Also on Friday we have a Pep Rally for our Basketball Team.


Heyyyyyy y'all

Anna here and only Anna (nobody else!_!) what to write about? i don't know what to write about...... should i write about my crush, my friends, or how boring Tennessee is? I JUST DO NOT KNOW! Well BYE I MISS ALL OF YOU! HOPE TO SEE Y'ALL SOON :(


Prayer for Haiti

Heavenly Father,

It is with a heavy heart that we come to you, not necessarily knowing what we should ask for because many of us are wondering, "Why did this happen? Why has tragedy struck Haiti again and why do so many lives have to be lost again? Why has this beautiful island been struck by a catastrophic earthquake and ruined?" But as many questions as we have regarding the situation, we still humble ourselves before you to ask for your mercy to be upon Haiti and its people. Extend your hand upon the land and restore all that has been lost, destroyed and damaged to be better than it was before. As rescue teams search for casualties, give them foresight. May they be led by your wisdom, and encouraged by your strength and advised by your discernment. There are yet people who are surviving and I pray that the rescue workers would find them in time and revive them. For the lives that will be lost, we pray for immediate comfort to come to the family and friends of the deceased. For those of us who are watching this unfold from the outside, I pray that you would give us hearts of compassion so that we can give out of our surplus to fill the deficit that is widening in Haiti. May we all extend ourselves in any way possible to secure our brothers and sisters in Haiti. And may every prayer regarding this tragedy be heard and responded to in your good time.

In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies!!

Yikes, can you believe it? I am already a Troop Leader and now I am the Cookie Mom for the Girl Scout troop. All the girls are excited, but mostly about eating the cookies!

What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?

Top sellers are:
Thin Mints

Marian's personal goal is to sell 200 boxes!

Random Thoughts on living in the South

1) It's only football!!

If you live in TN, you have heard nothing except the news that Univ. of TN football coach Lane Kiffin leaving his post abruptly to coach at USC. They even had one of those "Breaking News" stories during the prime time hour. I was expecting some news about the earthquake in Haiti, but no it was about a football coach leaving his job. I mean, really, let's get our priorities straight. But, well, I guess, that's how you know you're living in the South.

2) Paper Clips

An amazing movie!! If you can get your hands on this little movie, do!! It is a great and inspiring story about a little town in TN. They wanted to teach their middle school kids about the Holocaust and what evil can come out of hatred and intolerance. The kids had a hard time conceiving the sheer number of people that died, and so they thought of collecting 6 million things, which ended up being 6 million paper clips. Just amazing what they did in this project. If you are a teacher, get this for your class. I cried throughout the whole movie. Just when you think you've made a judgment about the South, this story changes your opinion.

Welcome to our new blog page

Welcome to our new blog page!

Some of you may be wondering, why the new blog, why the new name??

Well, because the last box is unpacked, we have decided that our previous name just doesn't match anymore. We're not moving anymore, we are moved and so we want the focus to be on that.

We're also going to include more input from all the family, adults and kids alike. So, another reason to change the name of the blog.

Hopefully, you'll like the changes.

Thanks for reading!!