Friday, April 30, 2010

Outdoor time

It is definitely outdoor weather, making more things on our new grill. (Which by the way, we love.) We've attached the gas section (it's 1/2 charcoal and 1/2 gas grill) to our Natural Gas line, so no more empty jugs of propane to deal with. We are also picking up some patio furniture tomorrow, which will allow us to have some outside meals.

The girls will keep me busy this coming month with softball games starting on Monday and Tuesday. But, the good news is that their Wednesday night commitment, Religious Ed, ends this week. (The kids do like it, so it's sad that it's ending, but it is one less commitment for us all.)

I have said to more than one person that it seems that organization has been left out of the dictionaries of Southerners. But, that is coming from someone who knows where most things are in her house at the drop of a hat (even if her own son cannot find a thing!)

Quote for the day:
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it. ~Flannery O'Connor

Monday, April 26, 2010

April Showers

Lots of rain lately, although no tornadoes! We had bursts of downpours and now it is cloudy, hovering around 60(F).

Marian had her first sleepover at her friend Scarlett's house and loved it. She has also reorganized her room and it's much cleaner, wow! And she found her lost library book, which I told her would happen if she cleaned her room.

We went to the Charismatic Mass last night and we all enjoyed it. I think the kids were amazed and impressed by the witnesses at the end of the mass. Something's working at least!

We bought our tickets for our big fall trip to Hawaii, everyone's getting excited.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

News of the week

Had a great visit with my cousin Pam. She is down here for a conference and we met up in Nashville. We found a real "down-home" diner and had some BBQ pork sandwiches. We talked about the lacking education and the funny way the South does their schools.

Received a great surprise package from one of my bosses. She sent us 1/2 gallon of maple syrup! The family stared at it like it was manna from heaven! They can't wait to make a big batch of pancakes to eat with the syrup!

The girls are starting piano lessons in the next few weeks. We found a young piano teacher who teaches from her home. The girls are excited and we all know their grandmother would have been proud.

Gearing up for summer camp. Both girls will attend Girl Scout camp, Anna will be an aide and Marian a camper. I have been recruited to help with music (shock), so I am brushing up on camp songs. Lots of memories coming back. Anna and I also said we'd help out with Vacation Bible School at church, although we have yet to hear from the organizer.

Marian has received an official letter stating that she has been tardy a large number of times. I am not sure how this really affects her as a 1st grader?

The kids only have 6 more weeks of school and are excited and ready for summer. Patience children....

Quote of the day:
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
~Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Doing the little and the great things

Teach us, Lord,
to do the little things
as though they were great
because of the majesty of Christ
who does them in us
and who lives our life.
Teach us to do the greatest things
as though they were little and easy
because of his omnipotence.
~Blaise Pascal

(In honor of our godson Pascal)


Softball is in full swing and all the schedules are working out (so far). Marian and Anna have practice on the same day, but at different times. Thankfully, Anna's practice is not first thing in the morning, since she is not a morning person. Their games are on the same night at the same time at the same field (2 different fields), it will be my challenge to root for them simultaneously.

Bogdan is also in a softball league and they won their first game. Bogdan played 3 innings as the catcher and hit a pop fly. Anna watched his game and became their unofficial mascot/cheerleader.

We found out that Gabriel opened a Facebook account without our permission. We chewed him out for it and promptly deactivated his account. He's not even old enough to have an account, hence he lied about his birthday to start an account. "But all my friends were doing it", oh well I say, not you!

Our Girl Scout year is coming to a close and we're trying to plan a big end of the year trip and also party. Fun, fun, fun!

We got a new BBQ grill. It's a combo grill, 1/2 gas grill and 1/2 charcoal grill. Gabriel, somewhat single-handed, put it together. Everyone is eager for our christening and first meal from it!

Friday, April 9, 2010


I have finished all the required work for my hospice work, and will soon be assigned a patient to work with. They do not have a hospice house locally, the nearest is an hour away, so all the hospice work I will do will be in a patient's home. I am eager to see where this new ministry will lead me.

I am also reading a few books on hospice work, including one who works with dogs/service animals and hospice.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New looks

Anna has cut her hair again and donated it to Locks of Love, the non-profit who makes wigs for people with cancer, who lost their hair to chemotherapy. She donated over 12 inches and her hair cut is very cute, and just in time for the hot Southern summer.

Gabriel also has a new look, he got braces yesterday and is trying not to smile too much. Of course, he has orange and white bands on, since those are his favorite colors. He's been in some pain and taking Tylenol for it. But, not enough pain to get out of school...

Marian feels left out and wants something new, I told her she is fine the way she is.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Resurrection Day by Matt Maher

It’s the weight of your glory brings the proud to their knees,
and the light of revelation lets the blind man see.
It’s the power of the cross breaks away death’s embrace.
And we celebrate our freedom dancing on an empty grave.
Roll away the stone. Roll away the stone.

We sing for joy, we shout your name,
we celebrate your resurrection day.

You declare what is holy, you declare what is good.
In the sight of all the nations you declare that you are God.
It’s the power in your blood breaks away sin’s embrace.
And we celebrate our freedom dancing on our broken chains.
Roll away the stone. Roll away the stone.

We sing for joy, we shout your name,
we celebrate your resurrection day.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Prayer for Good Friday

This is the wood of the cross,
on which hung the Savior of the world.
Come, let us worship.

This is a very special day of intimacy with our Lord.
It is a day to pray the Stations of the Cross.
A day of fasting and abstinence, in order to sharpen our awareness and openness.
A day to stand at the foot of the cross as a forgiven sinner -
to stand there side-by-side with everyone else who is forgiven.
It is a day of profound gratitude.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's Day

Just pulled a prank on both Anna and Gabriel, convinced them they were late for school and they had to get up immediately. They both fell for it and were up like a shot! They both reacted the same way too! "Oh, I hate you" Ha-ha to them!