Friday, March 25, 2011


Lots of colleges here rowing this week, I assume on spring break. Dartmouth and Loyola were here and we spotted license plates from NH (a welcome sight).

Gabriel leaves for GA soon for his regatta, and the weather forecast is not good. Supposed to be thundershowers. Hopefully, it will just rain and they can have the regatta.

Touched by an Angel

The kids have found a new show they all love! Would never have thought they would like this, but we all watched in one night and they loved it. So, we watch re-runs on Hallmark Channel.

Can you buy peace of mind?

Got really sick of being late in the morning. "Can't find my shoes!" "Where's my socks?" "What about my library books?" "How come I didn't get breakfast?" With the time ticking away and both older kids having over 10 tardies, I lost it.

So, I'm bribing them. $1 if they get into the car by 7:15am. If they aren't in the car by then, they have to pay me to bring them to school.

Bogdan says that paying a bit for peace of mind is worth it, I agree.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Math Team

Gabriel and his team came in 3rd place overall in the state competitions!

Unfortunately, they do not advance to national, only the top competitors.

Congrats, Jefferson Middle School!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Prayer

Father in heaven,
You sent the great bishop Patrick
to the people of Ireland to share his faith
and to spend his life in loving service.
May our lives bear witness
to the faith we profess,
and our love bring others
to the peace and joy of Your Gospel.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Birthday to Papa

Friday, March 11, 2011

My vacuum won't suck

I feel like a Dyson commercial and actually now thinking of buying one...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday Prayer

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
All that is not of God must die
All that is crushed will be restored
All that is lost will be made new
God may we repent of ways that do not serve you
And admit to the tensions that tell us where we need to change
Christ is coming walking towards the cross
God may we see him clearly
Pouring out love
Pouring out mercy
Pouring out peace
May we kneel before him in humble adoration
May we take up our cross and follow
And walk with Christ into the ways of life

Medical terminology for the layman

ARTERY -- The study of fine painting
BARIUM -- What you do when a patient dies
BENIGN -- What you are after you are eight
CESAREAN SECTION -- A district in rome
COLIC -- A sheep dog
CONGENITAL -- Friendly
DILATE -- To live long
FESTER -- Quicker
G. I. SERIES -- Baseball game between soldiers
HANGNAIL -- Coat hook
MEDICAL STAFF -- A doctor's cane
MINOR OPERATION -- Coal digging
MORBID -- A higher offer
NITRATE -- Lower than a day rate
NODE -- Was aware of
ORGANIC -- Church musician
OUT PATIENT -- A person who has fainted
POST-OPERATIVE -- A letter carrier
PROTEIN -- In favor of young people
SECRETION -- Hiding anything
SEROLOGY -- Study of English Knighthood
TABLET -- A small table
TUMOR -- An extra pair
URINE -- Opposite of you're out
VARICOSE VEINS -- Veins very close together

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Judy Garland quote

“I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it.”

Farewell to Oz

Well, it was a short visit to the land of Oz and today is the final performance. We had glitches along the way of all varieties (set, lights, sound, costume and egos). But, Anna had a great time and is looking forward to future plays.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What we've done this week

1) Did a freezer full of make ahead meals (sweet 'n' sour chicken, taco casserole, chicken pot pie, saucy pork chops, fried rice, to name a few)

2) Survived dress rehearsal and soon opening night of "The Wizard of Oz"!!

3) Deposited all our Girl Scout Cookie money ($3,150.60)

4) Got the kids to school on time each day!

5) Actually got the kids to clean their rooms.

6) Made 4 dozen cookies for the concession stand at the play tonight.