Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New driver in the family

Yes, Anna is a new driver, she officially got her license today!! Yikes!!  The streets are not safe.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

End of the summer

Officially, it is the end of summer.  School begins tomorrow and it is bittersweet for everyone.  We all wish there were more lazy days of summer, but we are all eager for the school year to begin.  Gabriel and Anna are back in the same school, Oak Ridge High School and Marian has her last year at Woodland Elementary. 

Bogdan is gone all week to West Virginia for a conference, where he presents a paper and project.  He is eager to have a week among tech-minded people.

My schedule is normal this week, back to everything, including some last minute purchases for the school year (Gabriel needs both sneakers and a new calculator)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pathology report back

I officially had acute appendicitis!  The lab reports came in and the surgeon just called me, she was happy that we caught it early, as am I.

Timing is everything

Just as we are seeing in the Olympics, timing is everything.  From a missed vault attempt in gymnastics, or a surprise goal in soccer or a perfect synchronized dive, timing is everything.

And so I've heard how well timed my appendicitis was.  The Ulster kids had just returned safely to Northern Ireland, we were all relaxing, and then all the excitement happened.  Sharp stabbing pains like ice picks into my lower right side.  Not being a student of anatomy, I didn't even suspect my appendix.  But, the ER went into full court press when I barfed buckets and was holding my belly for dear life.  The tests (blood, urine, CT scan) seemed to take forever, but the ER doc (very cute) finally came to tell me that surgery was in order.

The surgery went well, I remember talking to the prep team, the anesthesiologist was quite funny, making fun of my last name, then when I told him my maiden name was Weed, he just about burst out laughing.

Next thing I remember was waking up and being in pain and thinking "when are they going to do this surgery?". Then I asked a nurse "is it over ?". When she said yes, I realized the pain was the post op pain from the incisions.

Glad to be home and feeling better, taking it easy.