Friday, March 28, 2014

This week

Soccer games are going every other day.  Wet fields are not fun for that...

Regattas also start this week, Gabriel just left for his first one.  Off to GA.

Anna still in NYC for a chorus trip.  She is doing some singing today and tomorrow and in between watching 2 Broadway shows (Lion King and Newsies) and having a fun time.  She has been texting me since she's been there.

Marian and I will be leaving shortly with the Girl Scout troop for Dinner and Safari at the Knoxville Zoo.  We are also scheduled for another time to see a behind the scenes at the Zoo ("How to take care of Zoo animals")

Most of the flowers have come and gone, and the grass shortly needs to be mowed. 

Miracle of miracles.  Bogdan was on call all week and only got one phone call.  Of course, it was at 5am. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Well, it's vacation and Anna is catching up on her sleep and avoiding finding a summer job, but I am still making plenty of reminders.

Gabriel is busy with rowing practice and Max with soccer practice. 

Marian is sick and says it's no fair that she is sick during vacation.  This is now her 3rd or 4th bout of stomach flu and we have called the doctor for an appointment.  She is not a happy camper.  She says she hates her stomach and wants a new one. 

The costumes from the musical are almost all cleaned, today the rest of them will be picked up from the dry cleaners and returned and the house will look a bit more like normal.

Bogdan is taking some time off this week as he put in a number of hours in the past 2 weeks. 

Happy Belated Birthdays!!

To Dad and Dan

Hope you both had great birthdays.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Birthday David and Fayth

Happy Birthday to both David and Fayth.  Hope you have a terrific day!!

Busy week, as usual

Tech week, costumes are going well.  We will perfect it by Opening Night.  The kids are all very tired and when the show is over will be happy to get back to normal things like coming home, getting homework done and sleeping.

Ash Wednesday is today and with that the beginning of Lent.  May we all take time this Lent to reflect on our Journey as well as Christ's toward Passion Week and Easter.