Monday, September 28, 2015

Pope Francis

Loved watching Pope Francis and his many visits last week.  In between my crazy schedule, I managed to watch some of the coverage of his visit.  I loved seeing him at the 9/11 Memorial and very much appreciated the multicultural presence there, I was thrilled to see him with Cardinal Rigali (who is from the Knoxville Diocese), and it was great to hear and read about so many people making pilgrimages to see him.

Too many things happening

And not enough time to make a posting.

In no order:

--Darlene, our elderly friend from church, is still in rehab.  She is slowly recovering from surgery, and they hope to discharge her this Thursday.
--Girl Scout camping with 150 girls lost, all had a grand time, little sleep had, only one sprained ankle
--rowing has begun in full swing, both Marian and Gabriel are rowing this year
--Anna is loving color guard (not as much time being applied to studies tho').  The football team has yet to win a game, but she is loving being a part of marching band and color guard.
--viewing of the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse (not as stellar as they hoped)
--Gabriel turned 17 last week.
--My car had major work done, Bogdan bought a new to us car (2013 Ford Fusion Plug-in Hybrid)
--Karen starts work on the fall play and the spring musical

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Already September

School has been in session for a month now, hard to believe!  The kids have already received their mid-term grades.

Anna is adjusting to ETSU, back in classes for a couple weeks now.  The football team had their first game and didn't win, actually they were beaten pretty bad.  But, she says it was a lot of fun.

Our elderly friend Darlene from church had a difficult week.  She is in the hospital after having emergency surgery on Friday morning.  She had a blood clot and dead tissue removed from her bowels, 3 feet in all!!  She is still in ICU, but there are hopes to have her moved from there into a regular room.  She is looking better each time we are in.