Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August is almost over!

August is almost over and so much has happened...

  • Marian started 8th grade and decided not to do rowing, tried swim team and decided against that, has become the mascot (Ernie the Eagle) for the football/basketball teams, and is working backstage (deck hand) for a play
  • Gabriel successfully packed and was delivered to college amidst TONS of rain in the southern part of LA and TX.  He had a great orientation week and has begun college at Rice.  He says he's getting along with his roommate and loves his classes.  
  • Anna also moved into ETSU the same weekend that Gabriel went to Rice.  She had a long and grueling band camp week.  Her classes have begun and she likes them so far.  She is being challenged by the stick shift car she inherited from Gabriel.  Some days are better than others, she reports.
  • Plans are underway for our 25th wedding anniversary coming up over Labor Day weekend.  Hard to believe it's been that long.  Many friends will be there to celebrate.