Saturday, September 8, 2018

September already here!

Schoool has been underway for almost 6 weeks now, with Marian already passing the midterm!  She is loving her sophomore year.  She has a lot more homework, but still getting it all done.  She has been cast as Rebecca Gibbs in Our Town, she plays the younger sister of the lead in the show.  She is also helping as the sound technician for another local production of Five Chinese Brothers

Gabriel has started classes and so far reports all is great. He has an apartment this year, and has it all set up nicely.  Unfortunately, he had his bike stolen, right from his backyard! 

Anna has been moved to the infant room at her work, so now watches 6 weeks-1 year old babies each day.  She has moved into her apartment and walks to work, she lives literally right next door.

Due to changes at our parish, I've been asked to be the interim Dir. of Religious Ed.  It's time consuming, but I've done this before, so I've comfortable with the work.  But, that does mean it's busier than normal.  Girl Scouts, Hospice, bible study, high school lunch, music ministry, medical billing, costume design, and now religious ed.  I've warned Marian and Bogdan to not expect a clean house in the interim period.

If you see any movie this year, see Won't You Be My Neighbor?  It's a documentary about Mr. Rogers.  It's an amazing movie, just so great.  I have a strong connection to Mr. Rogers, other than of course watching it when I was a kid, but he debuted Mr. Roger's Neighborhood on the very day of my birth :)