Friday, November 30, 2018

Advent by Candlelight

Some of the lovely tables decorated for our Advent by Candlelight celebration.  We had lovely food and drink served by each table hostess, prayers and scripture, and beautiful music by the Maryville Tartan Soul Choir.  Additionally, we donated 3 car loads of baby items to the local Crisis Pregnancy Centers.  A lovely time had by all

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Image result for give thanks with a grateful heart

It's been months since my last post.  Of course, I could blame this on getting a new computer (which I did) and forgetting my password to this account (also true) or just being very busy (always true).  Anyway, lots going on this fall and glad to have some down time.

I worked briefly as the Dir. of Rel. Ed. at church, filling in the last minute for someone.  That lasted 2 months and glad it's mostly over.  Been busy with medical billing as our practice hired a new person.  Now that's 3 that I'm working for.  Costume design and sewing for a few productions has also kept me busy. Next big project Annie (the musical) and lots of 1930's costumes to make and buy.

Marian has been busy with 2 shows, Our Town and Peter Pan.  The first was a high school production and she played Rebecca Gibbs, the sometimes bratty little sister (NO typecasting there).  Peter Pan has its opening night tomorrow night and she plays a native (not an Indian) and does her ususal singing and dancing.  

Anna has gotten into the groove of work and loving it.  She walks to work each day, as her apartment is literally next door.  Saving money on gas is a good thing.  She has enjoyed working backstage for a number of productions and will be involved with Peter Pan (she helps make them fly!)

Gabriel is home for Thanksgiving and I'm sure we'll catch up with all that is going on in his life.  He has decided to take a different route with his undergrad degree. He had initially thought of doing a dual BS/MS degree, but has decided against it.  He finds that he has no time to just enjoy his college experience, and we applaud him for making this decision to balance his work/studies/social life.  It's a good life lesson.

Bogdan turned 50 in October, and we had a big surprise party for him.  He's very easy to surprise, and he enjoyed the time with friends.  He recieved a total of 8 bottles of wine and a 6 pack of beer for his big day.

We are just having a small Thanksgiving here, just us, despite inviting a number of folks, who all declined due to other invites.  Thinking of friends and family both near and far during this day and thankful for all the abundance God has given us.