Saturday, April 20, 2019

Holy Saturday reflection

My Lord, today all is silent.  You have given Your precious life for the salvation of the world.  You died a horrific death, poured out all Mercy from Your wounded Heart, and now You rest in peace in the tomb as the soldiers keep vigil.

Lord, may I also keep vigil with You as You sleep.  I know that this day ends with Your glorious triumph, Your victory over sin and death.  But for now I sit quietly mourning Your death. 

Help me, dear Lord, to enter into the sorrow and the silence of this Holy Saturday.  Today no Sacraments are celebrated.  Today the world waits in mourning in anticipation of the glory of new life! 

As I keep vigil, awaiting the celebration of Your Resurrection, fill me with hope.  Help me to look forward to the celebration of Your Resurrection, but also to look forward to the hope of my own share in the new life You won for the world.  I entrust my whole being to You, dear Lord, as You lay lifeless and still.  May Your rest transform the brokenness of my own soul, my weaknesses, my sin and my frailty.  You are glorious and You bring the greatest good out of Your apparent defeat.  I trust in Your power to do all things and I entrust my life to You.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Readings for Holy Week

Re-reading one of my favorite books The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin, SJ.  A great read.  Also highly recommended is The Saints' Guide to Happiness: Practical Lessons in the Life of the Spirit by Robert Ellsberg.

Something to ponder for the upcoming Holy Week.

Image result for holy week

March and April almost gone!

March was a whirlwind, with Marian starring in Annie and then a much needed vacation.  It is now officially spring and we are appreciating the Lilac bush in the yard.  Everything blooms earlier here in TN.  Production and rehearsal pictures from the production.  She will be spending the month of June at Gov. School for the Arts in the Theatre division.  She is super excited.

Gabriel will be heading to San Francisco for his internship at the self-driving car company. 

Anna is still working at the daycare center and keeping busy, she will be helping out back stage for the upcoming Steel Magnolias and 9 to 5.  

Just finished a large women's convention, for which I was the president, and now have stepped down from that position, so now just my usual busy-ness. 

Bogdan is hoping his afterschool drone club will be able to finish their project by school's end, he had to schedule an extra building session.  :)