Gabriel is in Houston and also transitioned to online classes, which he said aren't so bad. All his roommates have left (but still paying rent) and he is in a big house alone, but doing ok otherwise. He will miss his ultimate Frisbee games and potential tournaments. He is still on target to start his new job in July, but may reach out to them and offer to start earlier from home.
Anna is still working in childcare and much needed during this time. Not a lot of kids there, about 1/2 the normal number. I told her to carry on and keep her job!
Bogdan is working from home, but may go back this week and work at the actual building at ORNL. But, there are rumors that the lab may close to on-campus work, we'll see! Every day is a new scenario and being able to adapt is key in this changing world.
I've been taking a break from Doula work as most hospitals are restricting labor support to a partner/husband only. BUT, then I got in touch with someone who wants to use me as a virtual doula!! So, I'm going to try to do that, let's hope for the best solution in this environment.