Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Third Week of Advent

We begin the week of Joy, the third week of Advent.  Also known as Gaudete Sunday, or pink candle Sunday.  

We are enjoying some nice and low key days here in TN.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Monday, December 7, 2020

Twelfth Night and Second Sunday of Advent

We had a successful run of Twelfth Night, despite the pandemic.  Lots of social distancing in our very large theatre.  Thankfully, we do have a large theatre at the high school, which in normal times can seat 1500.  We only had 182 at the largest audience, and so we definitely kept with the protocols of social distancing. 

Onward to Christmas, and already in the 2nd week of Advent.

As I wrote Christmas cards and sent out Christmas emails, I thought of so many friends, both far and near and hope that they are all experiencing a blessed season. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thanksgiving & Advent begins

We had a small (just us and kids) Thanksgiving.  It was nice to all be together.  Gabriel is hunkering down at our lake house thru Christmas as he can work remotely from anywhere.  Anna is now quarantined as she was exposed to Covid this week, she will get tested and hoping for a negative test!!  (It's one test you want to fail.)

It has suddenly gotten very cold here in TN, low 30's and we are feeling it.  We even had snow to begin December.  

As I start writing my Christmas cards, I am remembering family and friends all over the country (and world).