Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rain and Sun

Lots of rainstorms and lots of warm weather here lately. Gabriel didn't want to mow today, it being so hot, and as luck would have it, the mower broke. He has his sight set on an electric mower by Neuton, so he thinks this will be the perfect time to swap out this gas powered for an all electric.

Anna is busy with final projects for 8th grade. She has a history project and has decided to do the music of the 1960's, her title being "The Times They are A-changin'". She is trying to do the project as a movie with music as the background for her still slides. (Mainly a PowerPoint with music) She is focusing on Rock and Folk. She also has to do a "book report" on the holocaust book "Night" by Elie Weisel. (Who by the way is Romanian)

Marian and Anna had hot practices today and everyone has a game this week.

Gabriel is back to school and spring football practice is over for now. It will ramp up in August.

I've joined a casual Scrabble club here in Knoxville and am hoping to start a club at the school. I just have to find a teacher to help sponsor the club.

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