Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What kind of day will it be today?

With all the kids home, it's a question I ask daily. Will the kids all get along today and be friendly or will it be one big "love-fest" (NOT). Today was a mixture of both and I'm hoping to end the week on a good note...

Gabriel visits with a NH friend tomorrow and Thursday. His friend, Owen, is visiting his grandparents who happen to live in TN. Then we will pick him up on Thursday and we are all headed to a hotel for the night. They also have an indoor water park at this hotel, so that is the added bonus.

Have stocked up on our favorite Izze soda for New Year's and also bought some sparkling juice (grape and strawberry). Will probably watch our taped Star Wars movies and play Bogdan's new game (Star Trek Scene it) and Gabriel's new game (Creationary).

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