Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just another day

Every year I have to submit the financial accounting for my Girl Scout troop, and every year it's about mid-June. Last year, I drove to Knoxville in what I thought was a light rain, that turned very quickly into the most severe thunderstorm I have ever experienced. And so yesterday, I thought since it was a nice day, I would be fine. But, that's not how the South is with it's thunderstorms, this one came on quickly and turned just as bad. (not AS bad as last year, but longer lasting)

In the midst of doing all the laundry, the water main broke outside--oh the joys of living in the city. But, thankfully, it was fixed rather quickly and we now have a lot of to-be-folded-but-clean laundry.

Off for another day, Marian has her last softball game tonight and if she wins then another one right after that.

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