Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's up in our lives

School is already in its second full week and the kids are used to the routine. Getting up early is not their favorite thing, but they rise to the occasion each morning. (no pun intended)

Gabriel is now on varsity rowing, only having to do one year as novice. He had told me previously that he might not pursue it all through high school and definitely not in college, but now he's not so sure. He really loves it.

Anna is very happy in her 2nd year at high school and can't wait for the preschoolers to come. They teach the Wildcat Preschool in her early childhood class and the kids will come next week.

Marian loves 3rd grade and loves that she finally has homework!

We found evidence of mice in the house again, and so must make the phone call to our pest control people today.

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