Friday, December 2, 2011

Ways to describe this week

1. Whirlwind
2. Train wreck
3. Roller coaster
4. Typical week

Anna got into the spring musical and is cast as a wench. She is very excited to be in it, and I am glad that her part is small enough that she can focus on school work as well.

Marian and her Brownie troop made "Shrinky Dinks" and the kids had tons of fun.

Christ Child Shower at church, we donated over 3 tables full of baby items and $370 in donations to Catholic Charities.

My long time friend and boss decided to hang up her hat and step down from working. So, she is trying to tie up all the loose ends at the nursing home she works at, and I am trying to help her get it done this month. It's a good decision for her, and I support her in this. I am sure she will use her professional talents in another venue.

Bogdan successfully hosted and organized an Italian colleague for a Distinguished Lecture Series at the lab. Well attended and well received, and now that he's gone, Bogdan can get all the work he missed done. (meaning he will work on Saturday)

Happy Advent!!

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