Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of the school year

School is all done for Marian, and she is at an end of the year party with friends.  She had a good 3rd grade year, making all A's except for one B+ at the beginning of the year.

Anna has one more final (Spanish) tomorrow and she is done.  Gabriel is all done and there is a "field" day tomorrow (games/etc.)  Gabriel is glad to be done middle school and can't wait for high school :)

Only a few more days until our big DC trip for Girl Scouts.  Can't wait!

And only a month away from the Ulster kids arrival.  We may end up hosting 2 Ulster girls from Northern Ireland, we will find out on Saturday!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

So many things to write about

Rowing ended with a fun banquet for all the rowers, Gabriel's team winning a coach's award.  Also an award for the best crab--funny term referring to the oar completely going out of whack in the middle of a race.

Anna had her Masquers banquet this week too, with lots of roasting of seniors and a fun slideshow movie (done by me, of course). 

Marian's last Girl Scout meeting of the year today, a party, a water balloon fight and handing out their homemade t-shirts. 

Marian also had a home run at today's softball game, AND they finally won a game!  The final score was 9-7.

Only 1 more week of school and it's done!  It is supposed to be 94 all weekend. We are hoping to cool off in the pool. 

Bogdan had a stint at Livermore Labs in CA this week and is back with some CA wines in tow. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Proud of our little Oak Ridge team that was beat by the Clinton team.  They were all 12-18 inches taller and their coach was a pistol.  He was not very sportsman-like and our coach did all he could to keep it in.  The league president had to step in at one point and afterward he told our coach that the other team was being reprimanded.  Ouch!!  The final score was 9-3, so not so bad.  They have a reputation of having a 20-30 point lead at games, so we did our best to hold them at bay.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy May Day

Lots of things going on lately and not enough time to blog them. 

Girl Scout Sing-a-long in downtown Knoxville on Saturday.  It was a solid 4 hours in the heat and the girls were tired afterward.  Anna and Marian had a good time but were cranky and hot after.  (Me too!)

Gabriel had his last home regatta and they are gearing up for the Southeast Regionals in Sarasota, FL next weekend. 

School is coming to a close with only a month left.  TCAP testing was last week, with Marian having her first taste of standardized testing and Gabriel taking his last official TCAP here.  They are all glad it is over. 

Our Girl Scout troop sent out 3 care packages to servicemen serving overseas and we were so happy to hear back from one in Japan.  He is a doctor serving over there and he not only sent us a thank you letter but some Japanese goodies to share with the whole troop.  I am sure the girls will be excited at this week's meeting to see the things he sent.