Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy May Day

Lots of things going on lately and not enough time to blog them. 

Girl Scout Sing-a-long in downtown Knoxville on Saturday.  It was a solid 4 hours in the heat and the girls were tired afterward.  Anna and Marian had a good time but were cranky and hot after.  (Me too!)

Gabriel had his last home regatta and they are gearing up for the Southeast Regionals in Sarasota, FL next weekend. 

School is coming to a close with only a month left.  TCAP testing was last week, with Marian having her first taste of standardized testing and Gabriel taking his last official TCAP here.  They are all glad it is over. 

Our Girl Scout troop sent out 3 care packages to servicemen serving overseas and we were so happy to hear back from one in Japan.  He is a doctor serving over there and he not only sent us a thank you letter but some Japanese goodies to share with the whole troop.  I am sure the girls will be excited at this week's meeting to see the things he sent. 

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