Sunday, December 30, 2012

Things coming to a close

Christmas vacation coming to a close, the kids go back to school on Thursday.  We got a surprise dusting of snow last night.  It looks like a dusting of powdered sugar all over the ground.  The girls went out at 11pm to see it last night.  Gabriel picked last night (of all nights) to do some camping with his friends!  He and his rowing buddies have started this camping obsession and so are out camping about 1 weekend a month--last night must have been cold!  They all have appropriate gear, but when I pick him up in an hour I won't be surprised if they slept inside!

Marian is working on an extra credit project on the moon and will be finishing it up soon.  She has been playing with her American Girl dolls a lot lately.  She brought one to Midnight mass all dressed up, but our priest did not know too much about American Girl dolls, so he was not impressed.

With Bogdan's end of the year bonus, we added more money to Anna's college account, since she will be the first to go in the family.  Now she has to work on her grades a bit!

We hope to see a movie before the break is over, perhaps Lincoln or Les Miserables, both getting good reviews.  But still not sure I want to see Les Mis, since I also read a mediocre review and it has my least favorite actor in it.

Was able to talk or Skype with many family over vacation and that was nice.  Many nice Christmas cards and letters from family and friends as well.

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