Friday, October 11, 2013

Government Shutdown and Furloughs

Some of you may be wondering if Bogdan has been affected by the furlough.

Well, the answer is both yes and no.

He has been gone on a business trip for a week, so in that sense, he has not been affected.  He still went on the trip, it will still be reimbursed, etc. 

But, he is still technically a government employee, so yes it will affect him.  He has been told that the Lab is ok through the end of the month (October) and then mandatory furloughs will take place.  He is not allowed to do any lab work while gone and the neutron source will be shut down indefinitely. 

Which also means that in a sense the town of Oak Ridge will be dramatically affected.  If there is a long-term shut down, this town will be severely affected.  This town exists because of the Lab.  All the shops, stores and fast food places will take a big cut in revenue.  Especially the fast food places, that get a LOT of revenue from Lab personnel. 

Overall, as everyone agrees (except those in power!), the shutdown is a bad thing for the nation and its people.

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