Sunday, January 26, 2014

What's up in TN

Very cold around here lately.  Even my walking buddy and me are not walking.  Right now, it's about 20 degrees, but it's been much colder of late. 

Gabriel went snowboarding in W. VA yesterday.  He had a good time and is sleeping off his exhaustion.  I am sure he will have homework to catch up on later.

Anna is busy with rehearsals for Guys and Dolls and loving it.  She is part of the ensemble, but this show heavily depends on the ensemble for creating a city feel to the show, bustling, busy city.

Of course, I am busy with costumes, as well as the International Festival for Girl Scouts this week.  There was too much discussion about which country, so I diplomatically said we are doing the Philippines.  We are also deciding to take up a collection for relief efforts there. 

Marian just had her birthday and is now 11, and has yet to decide where to spend her birthday money.  I will attempt to have her at least put it in the bank this week.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Welcome to the world!!

Baby girl born to friends, Mike and Tetsi.  Irene Agatha was born Jan. 21st and is a cutie!  Welcome to the outside world!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Marian and Jeff

What cuties these guys are, huh?  Happy Birthday to both of you!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hell freezes over...

Hell, Mich., is embracing its frozen fame. The town's Facebook page now features this photo.

Couldn't resist this one...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Visit to Nashville and now freezing temps!!

We visited Nashville yesterday, getting to see the Parthenon (yes, an exact replica and actual size of Parthenon in Nashville, complete with a large statue of Athena), the Hermitage (President Andrew Jackson's home) and the Hard Rock Cafe (dinner was good, with a funny waiter).

Along the way, I was stopped by a police officer for not having my headlights on...walked away with just a warning...don't they have something better to do?

Traveled through a LOT of snow and rain on the way home to Knoxville and now it is about 13 degrees outside with wind chill.  They have already cancelled school for tomorrow (today was supposed to be an in-service for teachers--they pushed that to tomorrow).  They said they are mostly worried if there is school tomorrow about the kids who walk to school or wait for the bus outside.  It is supposed to be single digits all day tomorrow.  But then it will get warmer and in the 40's and 50's for the rest of the week--go figure!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Dinner at a local German restaurant (just so-so) and then a movie at home.  All the kids went to parties and are now in bed. 

Happy New Year 2014!!