Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What's happening here

In no particular order....

School has begun and kids are getting used to the schedule, not liking the early wake up call, but adjusting nonetheless.  Marian is happy to see her friends and likes her new teachers.  They have a new (and cute) French teacher at her school who is also teaching an Intro to Culture class and she likes that best. 

We are having our annual yard sale this weekend, we start sorting and pricing today.  There are about 10-12 families who donate to this sale every year.  All the proceeds help pay for childcare workers for the bible study at church.  We always make a good amount of $$.  Anna will help me as the others are headed for a short weekend camping trip.

Anna is getting ready for college, she leaves next week.  She is both excited and nervous.  Nervous about classes, about finding friends, about her new roommate.  Excited about all the same things.

The Neutrons start firing this weekend and Bogdan's work schedule will be getting busy again.  They take the instrument off-line during the summer (necessary) and then they start it up again in mid-August (oddly enough, about the same time school starts). 

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