Monday, November 24, 2014

Winter is here

But, we are still having some sweet weather.  Today it was in the 60's for most of the day.  Weather predictions show it will be colder by the end of the week.

Thanksgiving plans include some friends coming over and we are making all the usual dishes (well usual for us, maybe not for everyone).  Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, popovers, corn, salad, pork pie, beets, cheesecake, and pecan-pumpkin pie.  Anna will be home from college and probably sleeping lots.  The girls and I will sing at Mass on Thanksgiving Day and we are also ushering for a local production of "Cinderella" this weekend.

We have decided our family Secret Santa must be an "As Seen on TV" product this year.  (Marian's suggestion, after seeing countless TV ads for ridiculous products.)  Should make it an interesting Christmas.

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