Sunday, January 25, 2015

The week in review

Biggest news of the week, Bogdan had a kidney stone.  He developed intense pain on Monday, finally went to the doctor on Tuesday, and after many tests, he was diagnosed with a 5mm kidney stone.  The doctors told him to let it pass naturally.  (by the way if it was bigger than 5mm, he could have had it "zapped")  Anyway, after a week long bout of pain and then no pain and then intense excruciating pain, he finally expelled the little bugger last night.  Of course, being the scientist, he measured it and it was larger than 5mm!  All's well that ends well.

Gabriel spent the day yesterday on the slopes, snowboarding with the class ski/snowboard club.  He had a blast, but said it was crowded.

Marian felt the luxury of not having to be up for anything in particular and roused herself out of bed yesterday at 1pm.

A week of sewing ahead of me, lots of costumes still to make.  Lots of organizing still to do.

Getting busy with Girl Scouts, organizing our big trip to Savannah in March.  Having to deal with many different tastes and personalities.  Thankfully, it's a short trip and we have it pretty well set already.  Visiting the birthplace of Girl Scouts and then doing a fun day at Tybee Island.

Bogdan and Gabriel may visit CA while me and the Girl Scouts are in GA.  Bogdan has a semi-business thing there and Gabriel would like to visit Stanford, UC-Berkeley and maybe Cal Tech.  This would be his only opportunity, so they are hoping to accomplish it.

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