Sunday, May 10, 2015

Welcome to May!

In no particular order...

Anna is home for the summer from college and excited to be done finals and the year.  She is looking for a summer job and applied to 8 places yesterday in town.  Really hoping something falls into place soon for her.

Gabriel had his last regatta this weekend, but didn't do as well as he hoped.  They caught a "crab" along the way.  That's the very un-technical term for when the oars mess up during the row and the rhythm is all messed up.  He's had 1 AP test and takes another tomorrow and the last one next week.  We have a few trips this summer to colleges & universities.  We're visiting GA Tech, Rice University, and University of Chicago.  He already visited Berkeley and Stanford.

Marian has 2 music/choir events this week.  This first is her school choir concert on Tuesday night and the second is a talent show at school.  She has a solo in both.

Bogdan leaves this week for a quick trip to Dayton, OH.

Another hospice patient of mine has passed away, but it was expected.  Hospice is a area where you know that the patients have a limited amount of time.  Prayers for her family and husband are appreciated.

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