Thursday, December 10, 2015

Too much happening

It seems December has begun and I've yet to post anything on the blog.

Maybe it's because....

--Gabriel was in a major accident and totaled my car
--We've been dealing with insurance company and also looking at a new car for me
--the musical was cast and costumes and patterns have been consuming my kitchen, living room and sewing area for 2 weeks now
--Advent has begun and it dawned on me that Christmas would be here before I knew it...time to start on making cookies, sending cards, decorating, and mailing packages.
--trying to help Anna sort out issues at college, classes, schedules, grades, the list goes on
--figuring out what to do at Girl Scouts for Christmas, deciding to make a simple decoration (see above, we used paint for the faces)

Looking forward to a simple and restful Christmas.

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