Friday, March 25, 2016

What's been happening here

In no particular order, other than as it comes into my mind.

  • School spring break for Marian and Gabriel, it's been a relaxing break and weather has been mostly good (a couple of major rainstorms in there too)
  • Marian's first spring regatta of the season.  She did well, coming in 3rd place.  Gabriel has decided not to row this last season of senior year--a collective decision as his whole quad also left.
  • Gabriel has heard back from all but one of the colleges for next year.  He's gotten accepted to Northwestern, U of TN, U of NC (Chapel Hill), and GA Tech.  He is leaning toward GA Tech, but still waiting on word from Rice University.
  • Our spring musical was a huge success and loved by audiences all around.  Many commented on the professionalism of the cast and the talent of the students.  Of course, they loved the costumes too :) It took about a week to clean all the costumes and then get those few back from the dry cleaners, they are all organized and back at the theatre. Phew!
  • Bed bug saga continues...we have had issues with bed bugs since January and finally thought we were out of the woods, only to find more last night.  I am so sick of these creatures and Marian is very much sick of sleeping on the couch.  
  • Bogdan attended a conference for radio astronomy (his hobby) in AZ in March and had a good time there and was able to visit his family as well.
  • Girl Scout cookies!  Still have so many to sell and our season is "officially" over.  But, that doesn't mean I'll not sell any just means it will be at regattas and other events that aren't official.  
  • We have a German student coming here for 3 short weeks.  It is part of an exchange between our high school and one in Germany.  It will be a whirlwind, and there are 10 of those days that he will travel with his group to Nashville and Atlanta, so we won't see him then. 
  • Upcoming events for us: Spring Regattas for Marian, Catholic Women's Convention for Karen, College Decisions for Gabriel, Visit to Wisconsin for Karen and Bogdan, Spring and Summer Semesters for Anna (as well as finding a summer job...), Chorus Trip to Ohio for Marian, Work as usual for Bogdan

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