Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Already April??

Life has been busy, it's already April and I realize I haven't added one posting at all for March!

In no real order, here's what's been happening:

  • Marian was Confirmed (see pictures below), her patron saint is St. Genevieve, patron saint of Paris and also of natural disasters.
  • The Wizard of Oz production went on with record audiences (near 4,000 which included 1,000 school children at the school show!)  Enjoy the pictures below as well, there were over 150 costumes and it was exhausting, but now it's over.
  • Marian and I go to Michigan for spring break to help a friend set up her business.  I will do her medical billing, picking up on something I've had a year hiatus.  
  • Marian, Anna, and I see Rent at the TN Theatre, a great production!
  • Visits from both Anna and Gabriel for spring break.  
  • I am busy with planning a Diocesan-wide women's conference.
  • Making meals for a high school girls' retreat, in attendance were 60+ girls!
  • Preparing for Holy Week and Easter liturgies!
  • Bogdan visits Socorro, NM and the VLA (Very Large Array....see the movie Contact) and has a great time at a Radio Astronomy Conference.
  • Enjoying the spring weather and blooming flowers!
  • Recently catching up with old friends and learning what's going on in their lives.
A total of 87 kids were confirmed! 
Marian is sealed with sacred oil by Bishop Stika 
Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow 
The Wicked Witch of the West, one of the best villains! 
The Cowardly Lion getting spruced up

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