Saturday, August 12, 2017

July was hijacked

July was hijacked by the Ulster Project and Trailer Park.

So, the Ulster Project arrived in late June and we were driving, cooking, shuttling, baking and everything in between for the Northern Irish kids.  We ate at Chick-fil-a more than I can recall in the span of one month!  They loved it :)  Some things that got forgotten were cleaning the house, but eventually it got done.  Some favorite activities were going to Dollywood, white water rafting, visiting different churches, going to the beach, and meeting new friends.  Marian had no break as she started school 2 days after they left.

In between all the Ulster activities, I was designing a show (The Great American Trailer Park Musical), sewing for another show (Mame) and basically very busy.  With school starting, all the normal activities I'm involved in begin as well: high school lunches, bible study, Girl Scouts, women's ministries, etc.  I do not have any hospice patients now, which is fine, as both of my patients died within a week of each other this past year.

Bogdan attended his annual conference for radio astronomy in Green Bank, WV.  There was much talk about the upcoming Eclipse.

Gabriel remained happy and busy at his summer internship at 2-Sigma.  He said the last week they had many receptions and at one they had a cake made with all the pictures of the interns on it.  He is on vacation with his girlfriend now and starts school August 21st.  (Not in the eclipse path, so I don't think they are worried about students ditching school for it.)

Anna has been busy this summer with odd jobs: Logistics Coordinator for the Ulster Project, babysitting for a number of families, teaching some color guard techniques to local high school marching band, and wardrobe assistant for a show (The Great American Trailer Park Musical).  She begins school on August 28th and is hoping to finish her schooling by December, she still needs to meet with her adviser about it.

Marian has begun high school and loves it so far.  She hasn't gotten lost in the big building and looks forward to her opportunities there.  She officially finished her Silver Award Project for Girl Scouts, having created a GS patch for the local children's museum.

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