Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What happens in Vegas, should not stay in Vegas

This was sent to me by a friend, it was printed in her church bulletin, by the youth director, and worth sharing

 - What happens in Vegas, is men and women who shielded their wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, and strangers from bullets that were raining down.
- What happens in Vegas, is strangers that were pulling others to safety and loading the injured into any cars they could during the attack to help save lives.
- What happens in Vegas, is drivers for Uber and Lyft going in to the chaos to get people out.
- What happens in Vegas, is nurses, doctors, police, all first responders showing up in big ways to prevent any more harm from happening and aiding the wounded the best they could.
- What happens in Vegas, is people lining up at 1:00-2:00 AM at blood banks before they opened to donate blood.
- What happens in Vegas, is blood banks being fully booked for the next two weeks.
- What happens in Vegas, is people buying all sorts of food and drinks to pass out to people donating blood.
- What happens in Vegas, is people buying donuts and coffee for police officers who were up all night serving this city.
- What happens in Vegas, is counseling being offered for free for any persons affected.
- What happens in Vegas, is individuals, businesses and corporations donating millions of dollars to help the families of all those affected.
- What happens in Vegas, is free flights for the families of those killed.
- What happens in Vegas, is hotels offering free rooms to those displaced by this tragedy.
- What happens in Vegas, is countless prayer services already held and more in the days and weeks to come.
- What happens in Vegas, is people are already talking today about what they are going to do to help TOMORROW.
- What happens in Vegas, is showing what a community of BELIEVERS we are!
We are #battleborn and ready for battle - the battles of this world and the spiritual flight.
Never have we been more proud of our big city that is just a small town. We are the city of lights that shines in the darkness. Christ’s grace, love and mercy can reach any person, even the most far gone. God sure hasn’t forgot about Vegas. This “city of sin” is your city. Our wounded are your wounded. This can happen anywhere. Yet, the God’s light in the people in our city has defeated the evil. Good always wins. Good always outshines the dark. Always.

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