Sunday, April 1, 2018


Well, the saying that March came in like a lion and out like a lamb, not quite so with the weather we're having.  While March in TN is usually mild, it has been very cold and rainy.  Today is no exception, even tho' it's already April.

March was a whirlwind of activity with the musical (The Music Man), 6 shows, over 4500 people in attendance, largest cast, most costumes, great sets, the list goes on!  I've included some pictures below. 

Then we had vacation, in which we did all the show laundry, ironed, and returned all the costumes.  My sewing room is finally clean and organized and I can now do a cleaning of my machines. 

Marian spent her vacation mostly watching TV shows on Netflix or Hulu.  And catching up on sleep. 

We had a lovely week celebrating Jesus' Passion and journey toward Easter.  Holy Thursday, complete with foot washing, Good Friday, with a lovely service a church, and Holy Saturday, culminating the 40 day trek we began on Ash Wednesday.  We welcomed 5 new members of the church, including 3 teenagers.  We are back today for our normal Mass, then a feast of pulled pork (requested by the girls) and scalloped potatoes.

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