Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Death to Auto-Tune

I feel like we've moved into a world where we never know what is real. In a world where the media show us what is "true" and what is not, where is the place for something actually real. It even boils down to singing. Now, I really put singing on a higher standard. Just ask my kids. I will listen to almost anything, but only if the singing is excellent. And now I can add, only if it's real. Auto-tune has changed it all. Anyone with a mouth can sing with this horrible sounding voice manipulator. But, the truth is, it's not singing. It's some nightmarish device that poisons the world of singing. Give me an a cappella group and I'll call that singing.

Ilu finu

Were our mouths
as full of song
as the sea...
...still we could not praise God enough

~Nishmat prayer, Shabbat morning service

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