Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Florida trip

We took a spontaneous trip to Florida this past weekend. The kids were excited to go and so we went to visit Uncle Jerry and Aunt Marilyn. The kids got spoiled by them, and came home with tons of junk food (all gone by now!) It was a nice trip and we all arrived safely home in time for dinner yesterday.

Things we saw along the way:
More tire treads than we could count in GA
A purple Lamborghini in GA (Gabriel was very excited about this siting)
A mail box in the shape of a golf ball
A huge peanut off of I-75 in GA
6 roadkill deer
A Swift truck that Anna thinks is following us (still) from NH
Gas as high as $2.90 and as low as $2.49/gallon
Alligator sighting signs at the beach

The kids have 4 more days of school, but not much going on, just fulfilling the state requirement of a certain number of school days. Anna does have 2 more finals and then she will be (officially) a high schooler!

Weather reports predict rain for the next 10 days, so there may not be too much softball practices or games this week.

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