Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This week so far

Gabriel had his first regatta this past weekend. He had a busy but fun day. Once he got in the water, he was on there almost all day. He was cox for 3 teams, 2 four's and 1 eight. He did well for his first race, and the best he did was 2nd place with the 4 man varsity team. (He is cox for 2 varsity and 1 novice crew) We are off to Chattanooga this week for another regatta, he will cox for those same crews. He will start the day with a 10:40am race and his last race is at 4pm. He will be tired, but he loves it!

While Marian and I are at the Chattanooga races, Anna will help out at the church's Fall Festival. She is helping out at many booths and will also babysit for some kids. She's looking forward to it.

Bogdan has his oral surgery today, to remove 2 wisdom teeth. Hopefully, this will go well and relieve the pain he has been having. We have stocked up on ice cream.

Marian reports that during reading time at school, she got an "eye roll" from her teacher. I asked, "So what did you do to elicit an eye roll from your teacher?" "I don't know, I guess I finished first and was answering all the questions." It remains a mystery. But, she tells me I can't talk about it with her teacher.

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