Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yard Sale/etc.

We had a very successful yard sale. It was about 10 families contributing and we had a boat load of stuff!! Personally, we came away with a drafting table, a bean bag chair, books and wrapping paper. But, that is the benefit of having it at our house, we get first dibs!! This was a fund raiser for our bible study, to help pay for the childcare for the kids while the moms are at the study.

And the total is over $750!! Yahoo!

Other news this weekend is that we are expecting 2 new priests at our church come July 1st. We have been told that priests are re-assigned about every 5 years or so here, and so we have some new leadership coming soon. We are eager to meet them!

Lots of studying this weekend, but we'll also squeeze in some pool time, since it's supposed to get to the low 90's!! Love having Monday off as an extra day for Anna to get ready for finals.

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