Monday, October 27, 2014

A popular day to be born

Happy Birthday to Bogdan, and a few others...

Happy Birthday also to Mary, Doris, Pam, Chris and Mike.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The week in review

This week was Fall break, and it seemed to wiz by!

Gabriel did some work at the boathouse, he had a race in Chattanooga, he worked at ORNL, hung out with friends, went dirt biking with Bogdan, and slept some.

Marian spent time with friends, worked a bit on her Science project, finished her new book and started a new one, watched movies and slept some.

Anna was also home for her Fall break, much shorter, and watched movies, saw friends and mostly slept.

Bogdan mostly worked, but also took some time off with Gabriel for dirt biking.

I worked most of the week on campaigning for Amendment 1, a pro-life amendment here in TN.  Early voting started this week, and I am one of those crazy workers outside polling locations that hold up a sign to encourage voters to vote my issue.  It's been a cold week, so I've appreciated when my shift is over and I could take warmth in my house.  I will be busy all the way up until Nov. 4th, our election day.

This was also the weekend of our Fall Festival, and Marian, Anna, and I all make pies for the baking contest.  Anna made a frozen chocolate pie, Marian made a Peanut Butter-Chocolate Swirl Pie and I made a Triple Chocolate Pumpkin Pie.  Unfortunately, none of us won an award.

The Fall Festival went well and we had good weather.  Hopefully, the church had more income than expenses for this event.  It's the 64th year they've been doing it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A person of prayer

"Be a Person of Prayer" (St. Bonaventure)

If you would suffer patiently the adversities and miseries of this life, be a person of prayer.
If you would gain power and strength to overcome the temptations of the enemy, be a person of prayer.
If you would put to death the inordinate affections and lusts of your will, be a person of prayer.
If you would understand the cunning devices of Satan, and defend yourself against his deceits, be a person of prayer.
If you would live joyfully, and with sweetness walk in the path of penitence and sorrow, be a person of prayer.
If you would drive out the troublesome gnats of vain thoughts and cares from your soul, be a person of prayer.
If you would sustain your soul with the richness of devotion, and keep it ever full of good thoughts and desires, be a person of prayer.
If you would strengthen and confirm your heart in the pilgrimage with God, be a person of prayer.
Finally, if you would root out from your soul all vices, and in their place plant the virtues, be a person of prayer.  For in this way you obtain the anointing and grace of the Holy Spirit, who teaches all things.

New month, new challenges

October already, and hard to believe it.  The kids have Fall break next week, and it's come too soon for everyone.

Gabriel has his first regatta this weekend, the Chattanooga Head Race.  He would remind me that they are NOT regattas in the fall, but head races.  Anyway, not sure if the weather will cooperate.  It's been very rainy of late and very cold, at least for the south in October.  Usually, we have a much warmer time all the way until November, but we have already turned our heat on.

Early voting starts next week and it will keep me busy with helping with the "Yes on 1" campaign, a ballot amendment for pro-life efforts in TN.  I have been to many Baptist churches this week and 2 more to visit before voting begins.  Keep this amendment in your prayers, we want to support the pro-life causes here as much as we can.

Marian is absorbed with the newest Percy Jackson book "Blood of Olympus" by Rick Riordan, she bought it with her own money and is cherishing every word.  She told us she would like to be a writer, at which point Gabriel tried to talk her out of it.

Anna is coming home this weekend as she has a small Fall break as well, she is excited to come home, sleep in her own room and visit with friends.  The down side is that she doesn't have her car anymore, but that is something we'll deal with when we need to.

Bogdan has had some time off at work, at least some time from being on call, but all of the neutrons start firing again and he will be very busy starting the end of this month until Christmas.

Enjoyed seeing these two items recently, one a bumper sticker, another was on the wall at a church.