Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A person of prayer

"Be a Person of Prayer" (St. Bonaventure)

If you would suffer patiently the adversities and miseries of this life, be a person of prayer.
If you would gain power and strength to overcome the temptations of the enemy, be a person of prayer.
If you would put to death the inordinate affections and lusts of your will, be a person of prayer.
If you would understand the cunning devices of Satan, and defend yourself against his deceits, be a person of prayer.
If you would live joyfully, and with sweetness walk in the path of penitence and sorrow, be a person of prayer.
If you would drive out the troublesome gnats of vain thoughts and cares from your soul, be a person of prayer.
If you would sustain your soul with the richness of devotion, and keep it ever full of good thoughts and desires, be a person of prayer.
If you would strengthen and confirm your heart in the pilgrimage with God, be a person of prayer.
Finally, if you would root out from your soul all vices, and in their place plant the virtues, be a person of prayer.  For in this way you obtain the anointing and grace of the Holy Spirit, who teaches all things.

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