Thursday, April 16, 2015

Busy and rainy days

Easier at this point to count the sunny days, since we've had so much rain lately.  As soon as it's sunny, I send Gabriel out to mow the lawn, and then we have rain for days on end.

The Council of Catholic Women is having their annual convention for all of East TN next week.  I am busy with the planning committee, or rather I have been busy with the planning committee for months now.  Most of my work is done, as I did the program booklet, which is copying as I'm typing. Then I have some informational posters to make and I'm pretty much done.  The convention is next week and will last 3 days, thankfully it's close by and I can commute to it.

Gabriel is gearing up for 3 AP tests and taking the SAT's as well.  We are planning our summer college visits.  He's already been to the CA colleges, Berkeley and Stanford.  Then we'll go to GA Tech, U of Chicago and Rice this summer.  We'll see what others he might be interested in.  Many colleges have sent him brochures and letters based on his ACT scores (35 on his first try, the best is 36).  Also, we are deep in spring regatta season, and he has a number of them in a row during April and May.

Marian will attempt to sell the final 40 boxes of Girl Scout cookies at the rowing regatta this weekend.  We are hoping hungry rowers will want to purchase her goods.

Anna will be home from college on May 9th and she is hoping to secure summer employment soon. She sent off a number of applications, but needs to do some more.  I told her to take anything!

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