Thursday, April 2, 2015

Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter

My favorite 3 days begin tonight with Holy Thursday.  As we finish our Lenten Journey, we travel with Jesus from the Last Supper to his Way of the Cross to his Crucifixion to his death and burial.  We await the glorious Easter morn, but are in a holding pattern until then, as we contemplate the cross, the sacrifice, and our purpose in all of this.


The cross is the hope of Christians
the cross is the resurrection of the dead
the cross is the way of the lost
the cross is the savior of the lost
the cross is the staff of the lame
the cross is the guide of the blind
the cross is the strength of the weak
the cross is the doctor of the sick
the cross is the aim of the priests
the cross is the hope of the hopeless
the cross is the freedom of the slaves
the cross is the power of the kings
the cross is the water of the seeds
the cross is the consolation of the bondsmen
the cross is the source of those who seek water
the cross is the cloth of the naked.
We thank you, Father, for the cross.

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