Monday, August 3, 2015

Happy First Day of School

Marian likes most of her teachers, except maybe her Social Studies teacher who she has for last period (his mood today may have been a combo of first day stress and last class of the day syndrome, I told her).  She is taking Spanish this year and really likes her new teacher.

Police out en force this morning making sure we're all obeying the speed limit.  :)

Haven't heard from Gabriel about his classes, but he already knew most of his teachers, so probably nothing alarming or surprising for him.

Already starting to think about the things that happen during the school year: setting up Girl Scout meetings, getting Religious Ed teachers all settled, starting up bible study and Respect Life meetings, and organizing high school group lunches.

Anna is slowly getting ready for her second year at ETSU, this year joining marching band as a color guard member.  She leaves next week.  She is excited, which is a good thing.

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