Saturday, August 1, 2015

What happened to July?

Ok, I'm realizing that it's been quite awhile since I've added to the blog.

What's been happening, in no particular order...

-Visiting colleges with Gabriel
GA Tech (maybe number 4 now)
Rice University (number 2 now)
UT at Austin (not applying now)
U of Chicago (number 3 now)
Northwestern Univ. (number 4 or 5 now)
Still yet to visit--Duke and UNC (probably doing that in October)
-July 4th festivities in Kingston by the lake
-Marian attending Girl Scout camp and deciding never to go again
-Anna working lots of hours at the pizza place, and occasionally dog-sitting and baby-sitting
-starting collecting items for our annual yard sale (2 friends who moved or are moving already donated a TON)
-helping Marian with her bucket list for the summer
-starting collecting and purchasing fabric for the next musical (Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat)
-starting to organize for RE classes at church
-grilling lots of tasty meats on our grill
-dealing with LOTS of rain this summer
-sewing a total of 10 new outfits for Marian and myself this summer
-reading an occasional book, reminding the kids to do their summer reading as well
-participating in a Stop Hunger Now event, helping pack and ship 10,000 meals for the small country of Burkina Faso
-ushering for 2 great musicals

Summer is officially over for the kids, Gabriel and Marian start school Monday, yes, Monday August 3rd.  It's our district's attempt at year round school, without calling it that.  Anna starts on the 24th , but goes back on the 14th for band camp.

Gabriel has a pretty easy schedule for his senior year, he takes 4 classes in the mornings.  Then, on Tuesdays and Thursdays he takes a math class at the University of TN in the afternoons.  On M/W/F, he will head to ORNL for his internship in the afternoons.

Some pictures from our summer...
 Mike & Holly Hoffman and kids
 Chicago skyline
 Stop Hunger Now packing event
 Check out our stylish hairnets!

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