Saturday, October 31, 2015

Updates from our house

October has whizzed by and here's what has been happening.

Marian has had her first Fall rowing race and placed 7th of out 10 in her first race and 2nd out of 3 in her next race.  Gabriel is also racing and doing well.  They have 2 more races for the fall season and then it's over, a much shorter season than the spring.

Anna continues to love marching band and color guard, Bogdan was finally able to see her perform in a marching band competition last week and loved it.  (I was busy with the rowers.)

Our fall production of Harvey comes up soon and we will begin Tech week and long hours at the theatre.

Gabriel is sending in his last early application (for Stanford) in this weekend.  That's his first choice so far for colleges.

Marian (I think) might be on her last days of trick or treating.  She has 2 Halloween parties, one tonight and one tomorrow.  I think if the weather agrees the kids might do trick or treating tonight, but it might rain.

She just returned from backpacking trip to Big South Fork, which she enjoyed.  Although, she said it was more hiking and less camping.  She's determined she likes camping better.

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