Sunday, November 1, 2015

Feast of All Saints and All Souls

November 1st The Feast of All Saints
On the feast of All Saints, we honor those men and women who—whether they’ve been canonized or not—have led lives of heroic virtue that set an example for all Christians.  They try to see Christ in every person and every situation. Saints tell us what matters most in life is not what we earn or own, not the job we have or the people we know. What really matters is how much we love God, others, and ourselves, and how well we show that love in all we do.

Collect Prayer from the solemnity of All Saints

Let us pray today.
     Almighty ever-living God,
     By whose gift we venerate in one Celebration
    the merits of all the Saints, bestow on us, we pray,
    through the prayers of so many intercessors,
    an abundance of the reconciliation with you
    for which we earnestly long.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
    who lives and reigns with you in the unity 
    of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

November 2nd All Souls Day
Catholics believe that death can separate people who they love from them for only a while. We are still united with them in the Communion of Saints. On this feast of All Souls, and throughout the entire month of November, we recall our deceased relatives, friends, and all the faithful departed who may yet be waiting for the full joy of heaven in purgatory. We pray for them, remembering that likewise these people being purified have the power to intercede us too.

Prayer for the deceased
    Let perpetual light shine upon them, 
    with your Saints forever, for you are merciful.
    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
    and let perpetual light shine upon them, 
    with your Saints forever, for you are merciful. 

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