Monday, August 26, 2019

Goodbye to summer

School has now been going for a month and while the weather may not show it, that summer feeling is definitely over.  It used to be Labor Day was the official end of summer, but not here in Oak Ridge!

Marian is well on her way in her Junior year, that difficult and heavily loaded academic year.  She is already feeling it.  She was just cast in Little Women and will play Beth.  She is also assistant stage manager for Blithe Spirit at the Oak Ridge Playhouse.  That's fun, but tiring. Luckily, she has 3 days off and can catch up on sleep and homework!

Anna is doing well at her job and just welcomed a new baby in her daycare room.  She is also helping out with backstage work at the Oak Ridge Playhouse and loves doing both onstage and backstage work.  She just had a car accident, but she and the other passenger were fine, the car needs some work and we are still waiting to hear about the cost of repairs and she is still waiting to hear from the insurance company.

Gabriel began classes today for his senior year, hard to believe!  He had a good time at his internship this summer in SF and is beginning the work of applying for a REAL job.  He has a number of prospects and we are hopeful he will find a good fit.

Bogdan has been all over recently, a week long and arduous job in Idaho (did you know there is a National Lab in Idaho?) and then another 3 day job in Canada.  He's still recovering and catching up on sleep.  The good news is that he officially reached his 10 year anniversary and his pension milestone!

Costuming Little Women will consume most of my time this Fall.  I'll be training someone in September to take over my medical billing practice and I'm also well on my way in my doula training.  Have I mentioned that I'm changing jobs to become a doula?  My goal is to start full time in April of 2021. 

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