Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fall..where has the time gone!?

Been a super busy fall, as you can tell from a complete lack of postings.

Marian is in the middle of a busy junior year.  Very demanding classes.  She's had trouble with physics, and she may end up dropping it altogether.  She did the fall play, Little Women, staring as Beth, the sweet and musical one who dies in the second act.  She loves the book and was excited to help stage one of her favorite stories.  Little Mermaid comes next!   We also started visiting colleges and saw 2 of them in October.  Hopefully, we'll see more in the spring.  She will also be taking the ACT test soon.

Anna still continues caring for babies at her day job as a daycare teacher.  She was sad to see her twins move on to the toddler room recently, as she cared for them since the beginning.  She has been active in many plays and musicals at the Oak Ridge Playhouse, a local community theatre.

Gabriel's big news is that he's accepted a position at Grand Rounds for a post-graduation job.  Check them out at He's super excited and will be based in San Francisco, a place he loves.

Doula training continues and I've had my first doula birth, looking forward to the next one.

All will be home for Thanksgiving and we're looking forward to some R&R.

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