Saturday, December 10, 2016

December 10: Album and Prayer

Image result for chant noel
Viderunt Omnes 
Jucundare filia Sion
De ore leonis
Tui sunt caeli
Viderunt Omnes
Zelus domus tuae
Verbum caro factum est
Hodie Christus natus est
Qui manducat
Gloria, laus et honor
Hodie nobis caelorum Rex
Hodie nobis de caelo
In principio
Super flumina Babylonis
Ubi caritas
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Alleluia. Domine in virtute tua
Respice, Domine
Alleluia. Oportebat
Rorate caeli desuper
Pueri Hebraeorum

in the darkness of these Advent nights 
let me be guided by the light of your word. 
Give me the humility to be led by you 
and the wisdom to learn from you.

I feel your light in my life
and in the world.
I am grateful for the Savior who awaits us, 
and eagerly await the time of rejoicing. 
Let me look forward in hope 
and turn to you with great trust, 
knowing you will guide my steps 
along the unknown path of this day.

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